Global Access Partners (GAP) was established in 1997. It is an independent organisation which brings together creative thinkers and decision makers from business, government, academia and non-government organisations to pursue projects and ideas for the national good. GAP is the not-for-profit arm of the TCG Group – a diverse and growing network of innovative Australian companies founded in 1971.

GAP promotes collaborative, multidisciplinary approaches to solving complex issues through the ‘Second Track’ process. In contrast to other think tanks, it focuses on practical outcomes and the ‘how’ and ‘who’ of project delivery. Enlightened self‐interest and a proactive role for civil society stand at the core of GAP’s vision and philosophy.

To maintain its independence, GAP receives no ongoing funding from any one source. It initiates projects itself, rather than being commissioned by other bodies. Financial backing of TCG enables GAP to pursue its activities and contribute one third of the budget for each initiative, while raising two thirds through sponsorships. This co-funding model allows GAP to test its ideas with the market and motivates project partners to share responsibility for implementing outcomes.


Our biggest asset is our network of over 4,000 Australian and international members. More than 1,000 people are engaged on various GAP projects at any one time. Over 130 partners have supported GAP’s activities since its inception. These include federal and state governments, major corporates, peak industry and community bodies, universities and research institutes. The ratio of government vs. industry contributions is 1:2, i.e., every government dollar leverages two dollars from industry.

In-kind contributions play an important role in the success of GAP initiatives, with the company relying heavily on the voluntary support and participation of its network.

GAP has no party-political affiliations and does not take sides. It is not a lobby organisation. Its activities pursue non-partisan economic, commercial and social outcomes that benefit the nation. GAP judges its success by measurable, long-term results, actionable recommendations and grassroots projects and initiatives.

GAP does not always seek consensus as it welcomes a diversity of views. New ideas are tested for their practical value, economic efficiency, social impact and applicability to Australian conditions, to inform proposals for wider implementation.

GAP’s current sphere of interest includes projects in Democracy, Critical Thinking, Decision Making, Artificial Intelligence, Education,  Health, Productive Ageing, the Environment, National Resilience and Foreign Affairs. The diversity of our partners and our own financial contribution ensures the credibility and independence of our recommendations and results.

GAP’s taskforces are not official government organisations, and their formation, discussions and results do not imply government endorsement. GAP consultative committees and advisory boards have no official standing and offer a sounding board for ideas for future discussion.

GAP’s ‘Second Track’ process allows individuals to pursue lasting change in their area of expertise and interest. Taskforce members are invited and attend in a personal capacity, rather than as representatives of their companies or sectors. Participation in GAP forums is by invitation only and is free of charge to invited guests, while our reports are freely available in the public domain.

GAP develops a comprehensive follow-up strategy for every project. This combination of cross-pollination of ideas and continuity of thought helps build a long-term vision for Australia.

Australia needs a safe and neutral space to explore a wide range of policy options, including radical proposals for reform. Over the last 28 years, GAP’s ‘Second Track’ has allowed a host of different stakeholders to contribute in a positive way to improve the lives of all Australians and deliver outcomes.