We practice and encourage collaborative approaches to problem solving. GAP believes that “One cannot exist in a vacuum. Any survival is a result of cooperation”. That’s why our global alumni network of over 4,000 members and 118 partners is our biggest asset.

Our taskforce members are invited and attend in a personal capacity, rather than as representatives of their companies or sectors. Meetings are held under the Chatham House rule of non-attribution to encourage an open and constructive debate.

Our funding model is equitable and transparent. For each project, GAP contributes approximately one third of the budget and seeks to raise the remaining funds through sponsorship.


Public Policy Engagement
A seat on a GAP ‘Second Track’ taskforce offers an opportunity to participate in strategic discussions on the most pressing issues and challenges facing the nation today. You can debate ideas and solutions with senior decision makers and  help develop policies that will shape Australia’s future.

Thought Leadership
You will establish yourself as a thought leader on key issues affecting Australia’s productivity and become part of project teams that will convert recommendations into action.

Consulting Services
GAP offers practical advice to government agencies seeking input from industry and the public regarding specific policy issues.

Online Infrastructure
Our digital platform for community engagement, Open Forum, allows interested organisations to consult on specific issues and provides tools for aggregation and analysis of public opinion, as well as comprehensive reporting of results.


1. Most think tanks and policy institutes stop at delivery – We focus on implementation.

2. No-one ever asks “what’s next” after a conference – We do.

3. Most policy institutes and think tanks remain prisoners of political affiliation – We are independent.

4. Discipline-centered approaches do not solve complex problems – We practise and encourage cross-sectoral collaboration.

5. Most public policy forums lack cohesive mechanisms for synthesising the contributions of attendees – Our reporting strategy sets us apart.

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We test our ideas with the market by seeking sponsorship to cover the operational and research costs of our initiatives. For each project, GAP underwrites one third of the total budget (33%) and aims to raise two thirds in sponsorship (67%).

GAP’s stakeholders comprise Federal and State governments, major corporate enterprises and industry bodies.

Of the total amount of external stakeholder investment, up to one third comes from government sources, with the remainder contributed by industry. This means that every dollar invested by government in a GAP project can potentially leverage two dollars from the private sector. Learn more about our funding model.